Deposits and Withdrawals
Rate Limits and Gating

Withdrawal rate limits and gating

In an effort to reduce risk across the protocol, withdrawals can be rate limited and gated in specific circumstances. ​

Withdrawal rate limits

As a default setting, withdrawals of Noble USDC are rate limited to max(1% of TVL, $1mm) per hour

As a default setting, withdrawals of Noble USDC are rate limited to max(10% of TVL, $10mm) per day

These rate limit parameters can be updated by governance.

Withdrawal gating

All subaccount transfers and withdrawals will be gated for 50 blocks if a negative collateralized subaccount is seen in state and/or can't be liquidated or deleveraged

All subaccount transfers and withdrawals will also be gated for 50 blocks if a 5+ minute chain outage occurs.